趨勢巨流河 2024/06/01


1.( )According to the contract, the order _____ last week but we haven’t received the commodities up to now.

(A) had better arrive (B) is about to arrive (C) can’t help arriving (D) should have arrived

2.( )Tickets _____ the museum are good for two consecutive days — the day of your visit and the following day.

(A) in front of (B) to (C) ahead of (D) over

3.( )Our company’s newly launched product has a hard time _____ with others.

(A) to compete (B) competition (C) competitive (D) competing

4.( )_____ was no wonder that the director raised the objection since there were a lot of problems in the contract.

(A) There (B) It (C) As (D) Which

5.( )All things _____, Sunrise Café decided not to sign the contract with Byte Genius.

(A) considering (B) having considered (C) considered (D) consider



2.【答案】(B),Tickets to = ~的門票。

3.【答案】(D),Have a hard time + v-ing = 有~的困難。

4.【答案】(B),句型:It is no wonder that + S + V = 難怪~。

5.【答案】(C),All things considered 是固定的片語,表示「考慮到所有的因素;總體來說」。

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NO.1184 B | 更新時間: 2024/06/01 | 點閱: 657 | 下載:

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