趨勢巨流河 2023/09/16


1.()_____ interested in serving as a member on boards or committees should send their résumé with a cover letter by January 3.

(A) Anyone (B) Whoever (C) Some (D) Those

2.()All shops are _____ walking distance from each other, which makes shopping a pleasure.

(A) across (B) under (C) nearby (D) within

3.()Before Simon was nominated for the best supporting actor, he _____ himself particularly talented at performing.

(A) had not considered (B) was not considering (C) did not consider (D) was not considered

4.()The management failed to follow employee handbook guidelines and _____ did HR.

(A) same (B) either (C) too (D) so

5.No part of any of our patterns may be photocopied or reproduced in any form _____ written consent.

(A) except (B) between (C) without (D) under


1.【答案】(A) 原句為anyone who is interested in …省略who改為分詞保留interested。Whoever “is” interested就可選。Those “who are” interested就可選。

2.【答案】(D)within walking distance = 走路可以到的距離。


4.【答案】(D)so did HR = HR failed to follow guidelines。

5.【答案】(C) without written consent = 沒有書面同意。

本報導連結 #SDG4優質教育

NO.1169 A | 更新時間: 2023/09/16 | 點閱: 342 | 下載:

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