趨勢巨流河 2023/04/23


1.( ) Based on her body language, I know Lisa _____ totally lied or was simply very ill informed.

(A) not only (B) either (C) neither (D) as well as

2. ( ) My meditation spot is in my bedroom and only takes up a few feet; _____ can be anywhere you’d like, and can be a small corner or nook.

(A) you (B) yourself (C) yourselves (D) yours

3. ( ) The performance evaluation system _____ as planned starting March 20.

(A) should be implemented (B) will implement (C) has been implementing (D) are implemented

4. ( ) The printer will set all mathematical symbols in italic unless instructed _____.

(A) rather (B) otherwise (C) instead (D) somehow

5. ( ) Please e-mail Miss Thompson at prettygirl@aol.com to let _____ know when Mr. McNamara is free.

(A) him (B) yourself (C) her (D) his own


1.【答案】(B),句型 either ~ or ~ à不是…就是…。

2.【答案】(D),yours = your meditation spot (靜坐的地點)。Nook=角落。


4.【答案】(B),unless otherwise instructed=除非有另外指示(設定)。

5.【答案】(C),空格是指「讓Miss Thompson知道」,所以代名詞受格為her。

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NO.1162 A | 更新時間: 2023/04/24 | 點閱: 298 | 下載:

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