趨勢巨流河 2022/05/29


1. Mr. Lee brought in several part-time workers to help with all the projects that we needed to get _____ by the end of the summer.

(A) done (B) over (C) used to (D) a job

2. Deodorants were first sold in the late 1800s, with antiperspirants following shortly _____.

(A) thereafter (B) behind bars (C) consequently (D) out of the blue

3. The next work of art for sale _____ one of the finest sculptures of its kind outside of China.

(A) will consider (B) were considering (C) has been considering (D) is considered


1.【答案】(A),原句應該是… we needed to get all the projects done …,而all the projects換成關係代名詞that往前移動。



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NO.1144 A | 更新時間: 2022/05/29 | 點閱: 612 | 下載:

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