趨勢巨流河 2022/05/15


1. The Hospital has _____ a refund to a patient after she overpaid her medical bill.

(A) booked (B) launched (C) withdrew (D) issued

2. _____ in the heart of downtown, Breeze Hotel is close to the waterfront pier and cruise ship terminal.

(A) Locating (B) Located (C) On location (D) To locate

3.All customers _____ on Grand Central Line must wear a surgical mask both within the stations and on the trains.

(A) traveling (B) to travel (C) travels (D) have traveled



2.【答案】(B),坐落於be located in +地點,使用被動句型。分詞構句,省略be動詞。

3.【答案】(A),原句為All customers who travel on ...,省略關係代名詞who,後面動詞主動改為v-ing。

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NO.1143 A | 更新時間: 2022/05/15 | 點閱: 703 | 下載:

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