趨勢巨流河 2022/01/09



1.The study aims to find out _____ the consumers use the available product information in making purchase decisions.

(A) what (B) whoever (C) whose (D) how

2.Unicorn Resort & Spa is always fully booked _____ the large size of the facility.

(A) even though (B) thereby (C) notwithstanding (D) aside from

3.The bank stated that the trading was legitimate and _____ applicable law.

(A) on behalf of (B) in compliance with (C) out of respect for (D) at the speed of

4.For Coco Lake Camp, early bird _____ has been extended through July 7.

(A) pricey (B) overpriced (C) pricing (D) priced

5.Various procedures are followed and _____ tests must be performed during and after manufacturing to assure the quality and reliability of the device.

(A) rigorous (B) rigid (C) rigorously (D) rigidly

6.Tina decided to _____ in cardiology after graduating from medical school.

(A) explore (B) boost (C) investigate (D) specialize

7.Although his job had long hours, Jason was pleased with his higher _____.

(A) salary (B) fees (C) deposits (D) mortgage


1. ANS:(D),研究旨在找出消費者「如何」運用手邊的產品資訊做決定。

2. ANS:(C), (A)連接詞,雖然;(B)副詞,因此;(C)介係詞,儘管;(D)介係詞片語,除了~之外。


4.ANS:(C),(A) ADJ,昂貴的;(B) ADJ,太貴的;(C) N,價格;(D) V,標價。

5.ANS:(A),(A) ADJ,嚴格的;(B) ADJ,僵硬的;(C) ADV,嚴格地;(D) ADV,僵硬地。



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NO.1136 B | 更新時間: 2022/01/09 | 點閱: 1071 | 下載:

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