趨勢巨流河 2021/11/14



1. The government will determine whether _____ who are unhoused and living in RVs will be banned from parking on most city streets.

(A) anyone (B) those (C) each (D) both

2. Mayflower Convention Center has the space to host events _____ up to 1,000 guests.

(A) except (B) including (C) for (D) near

3.Over 30 mothers and children attended the puppet show, which was a lot more than _____ had anticipated.

(A) us (B) we (C) ours (D) ourselves

4._____ tea and coffee are available all day in the lounge and free Wi-Fi access is provided in all common areas.

(A) To compliment (B) Having complimented (C) Complement (D) Complimentary

5. These videos of art tutorials are designed to help beginners just starting off _____ professionals brushing up on their skills.

(A) only if (B) but (C) as well as (D) until

6.The findings show that Australian men have increased their housework time by 55 minutes and women have reduced _____ by 2.5 hours per week.

(A) their (B) theirs (C) themselves (D) them


1.【答案】(B),固定句型→anyone who is ~; those who are ~;表示「~的人」。

2. 【答案】(C),介係詞for後面加人數。


4. 【答案】(D),(A)和(B)當動詞,稱讚。(C)動詞,搭配得很好、相得益彰;名詞,全組的人員。(D)形容詞,免費招待的。

5. 【答案】(C),as well as=以及,連接前面的「beginners初學者」跟後面的「professionals專業人士」。

6. 【答案】(B),theirs = their housework time。

NO.1132 | 更新時間: 2021/11/14 | 點閱: 771 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024/12/28 下午 07:16:49
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