趨勢巨流河 2021/05/02


1. An American company collaborated a German firm to develop the product.

(A) in(B) on(C) with(D) from

2. Hearing about Sally's job had given me feet and within a couple of

months I left the company.

(A) warm(B) hot(C) cold(D) itchy

3. Man is still far intelligent than the cleverest robot.

(A) most(B) more(C) mostly(D) more than

4. She's some amazing scheme to double her income.

(A) show up(B) turn up(C) come along(D) come up with

5. He got a good deal on his new villa because instead of paying one lump sum, he paid eight easy of NT$200,000.

(A) pensions(B) allowances(C) expenditures(D) installments


1.【答案】(C),collaborate表示「(尤指在文藝,科學等方面)合作」,collaborate with 某人/單位表示「與某人/單位合作」。

2.【答案】(D),本題考片語。get itchy feet表示「換個地方、做別的事」。

3.【答案】(B),本題考形容詞比較級的句型【A+ be+形容詞比較級+than+ B (A 比 B…) 】的句型;intelligent形容詞表示「有才智的;聰穎的,理解力強的」。

4.【答案】(D),本題考片語,come up with表示「想出,提出(主意或計劃)」。該句中譯為「她想出一個驚人的計劃來使自己的收入增加一倍。」

5.【答案】(D),由逗點前段提到該棟別墅是筆好交易的原因是無須一次性付款 (lump sum「一次性支付的金額,一整筆款項」),而可以採分期付款,可知空格處應填 (D) installments「分期付款」。

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