趨勢巨流河 2020/12/20



1. It is _____ to show your passport when changing money at banks in Costa Rica.

(A) exploratory (B) mandatory

(C) laboratory (D) lavatory

2. Drivers were instructed to _____ adhere to the speed limit.

(A) strictness (B) strict (C) strictly (D) strictest

3. The purpose of product _____ is to better match the preferences of heterogeneous consumers at a point in time.

(A) diversify (B) diverse (C) diversely (D) diversity

4.Almost all of the patients in the city come to Trinity Hospital because this is the only one that is _____.

(A) functional (B) maintainable (C) smooth

(D) prerequisite

5.While most Americans _____ accumulate enough traffic tickets and unpaid fines to be arrested, this sequence of events is surprisingly common in Bristol Hill.

(A) absently (B) rarely (C) mutually(D) dividedly

6.Now that you’ve put security _____ into place, when visiting websites, click smart to reduce the exposure to online threats.

(A) occupants (B) alternations (C) measures

(D) references



2. 【答案】(C),副詞修飾動詞片語adhere to (遵守)。

3. 【答案】(D),product diversity產品多樣性;heterogeneous異質性的。

4. 【答案】(A),(A)有在運轉的;(B)可以維持的;(C)順利的;(D)先決條件。

5. 【答案】(B),(A)心不在焉地;(B)幾乎不;(C)彼此;(D)Accumulate =累積。

6.【答案】(C),(A)居住者(B)輪流(C)措施(D)參考。片語put ~ into place→執行。

NO.1116 B | 更新時間: 2020/12/20 | 點閱: 592 | 下載:

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