趨勢巨流河 2020/06/07


1. Professor Wang will be out of the school a few days next week.

(A) during (B) within (C) for (D) at

2. Although his cellphone was at the restaurant during the entire drive home, it was not until he arrived at the house he remembered leaving it there.

(A) did (B) that (C) when (D) where

3 All 5 star luxury hotels and resorts in London are excellent and expensive, they offer pick-up service.

(A) so (B) and (C) for (D) but

4. If the airline proves that the damage was caused by or contributed to by the negligence of the passengers, the Court may the airline wholly or partly from its liability.

(A) castigate (B) accuse (C) exonerate (D) condemn

5 The head of the worker’s union 's worried that the loss of so many jobs would have a effect on the town and community as a whole.

(A) beneficial (B) positive (C) devastating (D) wonderful


1.【答案】(C),關鍵字詞是a few days next week.(下周會有幾天)是指一段時間,本題表示王教授下周會有幾天不來學校。

2.【答案】(B),本題測驗分裂句 (Cleft Sentence)句型的結構為:. It be +強調部份 + that + 其餘部份。本題表示他卻是到家時才記起把手機留在餐廳。

3. 【答案】(B),本題考上下文關係。空格前段提到好旅館,空格後段又提到接送服務,可判斷空格處應填入(B) and,使句意完整。

4.【答案】(C),本題考上下文關係。空格前段提到如果航空公司證明有關的損害是乘客本身的疏忽所導致或促成的,空格後段又提到liability(法律上對某事物的)責任,義務,故可判斷空格處應填入(C) exonerate動詞表示「使免罪,免除」,使句意完整。後段題意為「則法院可完全或局部寬免該公司的法律責任。」(A)表示「申斥;懲罰;譴責」;(B)表示「指控,控告;指責;譴責」;(D)表示「判決,宣判(某人某種刑罰)」皆不符題意。

5. 【答案】(C),本題測驗字彙,題意為「勞工聯盟主席擔心大量失業將對整個城市及社區造成極為重大的衝擊。」

NO.1107 A | 更新時間: 2020/06/07 | 點閱: 865 | 下載:

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