趨勢巨流河 2020/05/31


1.No student expelled from another school will be granted _____ to St. Joseph Academy.

(A) to admit(B) is admitting(C) admission(D) admitted

2.The diner’s dedication to simple yet quality Korean dishes _____ the reason why regulars keep coming back.

(A) is(B) are(C) was(D) were

3.Each of the _____ is surrounded by high metal fencing.

(A) built(B) build(C) building(D) buildings

4._____ that Professor Callahan is conducting jointly with Dr. Suzuki focuses on impact of strategic shopping.

(A) Research(B) Researches(C) Researchers(D) Researching

5.We will request the pilot on your behalf and _____ him of your arrival and departure times.

(A) speak(B) notify(C) report(D) warm


1.【答案】C,admission是名詞,入學(場)許可。主動句型:grant + 人 + 東西;被動句型:人 + be granted + 東西。Expel =開除。

2.【答案】A,主詞是dedication (專心致力於)是單數。


4.【答案】A,that ~ Suziki為形容詞子句,修飾空格的名詞;research是主詞,動詞是focuses,所以答案要選單數。

5.【答案】B,句型:notify +人+ of +事通知~人~事。On your behalf =代替(表)你。

NO.1106 B | 更新時間: 2020/05/31 | 點閱: 832 | 下載:

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