趨勢巨流河 2019/10/20



1. It's both lightweight _____ compact, making it easy to bring anywhere!

(A) and(B)each(C)for(D)of

2. The insecticide has contaminated eggs in Taiwan _____ similar incidents were seen in Europe and South Korea.

(A) unless(B) while(C) after(D) before

3. We are pleased to have this opportunity to _____ you for penetrating the Tunisian market.

(A) put through(B) deal with(C) get through(D) cooperate with

4. Salaries and incomes have _____ so that any increase to daily food and drink prices will naturally have a direct impact on people’s pockets.

(A) display(B) discount(C) disagree (D) stagnated

5. We _____ our choices by the end of the week.

(A) were finalizing(B) have finalized(C) are finalizing(D) will be finalizing


1. ANS:A。由句意「它很輕巧,易於攜帶!」, 本題關鍵字是對等連接詞both,選項中能夠與and合用的只有選項(A),both A and B表示「A與B兩者」。

2. ANS:C。本題考時間連接詞,題意為「繼歐洲和韓國發生殺蟲劑污染雞蛋事件後,台灣也發生類似的事件。」,故選(C)。

3. ANS:D。本題考片語 cooperate with表示「與…合作」,題意為「我們很高興有這個機會與您合作成功地打入了突尼斯市場。」

(A)為(某人)接通電話;轉接 (B)處理,動手解決(C)get through表示「接通電話」。皆不符題意。

4. ANS:D。表示「停滯不前」。題意為「當薪資收入停滯,民生飲食只要一調漲,自然直接影響荷包。」(A)展示;(B)折扣;(C)不同意;三者皆不符題意。

5. ANS:D。本題考未來進行式。


NO.1094 B | 更新時間: 2019/12/08 | 點閱: 976 | 下載:

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