趨勢巨流河 2017/12/11



1.Jack_ play football professionally, but he doesn’t now because of an injury.

(A) wouldn’t mind (B) used to (C) would rather (D) got used to

2.When I think over the 3 days we were there, I can’t believe my son_6 cheese steak sandwiches.

(A) ate (B) eats (C) was eating (D) has eaten

3,It's high time you_ your car serviced. It's been making that funny noise for months.

(A) get (B) have gotten (C) got (D) will get

4.The United States' Apollo 11_the first manned mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.

A) are (B) is (C) were (D) was

5.The Human Resource_ all the resumes, but unfortunately none is qualified for this position.

(A) has been looking over (B) would look over (C) has looked over (D) is looking over


1.(B), used to + 原V → 過去的習慣;過去是職業足球員,因為受傷現在不是了。


3.(C),it’s (high) time 後面子句的動詞要用過去簡單式,表示「該做~的時候了」。

4.(D),1969是過去的時間,所以要用過去簡單式。Apollo 11是單數。

5.(C),現在完成式表示剛完成的動作;人力資源部剛看過了所有的履歷表,很不幸的, 並沒有適合的人選。

NO.1054 | 更新時間: 2018/04/22 | 點閱: 968 | 下載:

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