趨勢巨流河 2018/04/21



1. The notice_ by the time the error was found.

(A) had already been released (B) has already been released (C) was released (D) will have been released

2. Mary _ to see the doctor for more than 2 hours and she’s getting more and more impatient.

(A) will have been waiting (B) had been waiting (C) has been waited (D) has been waiting

3. Both parties have a duty to_ the terms of the contract and a failure to do this may raise a breach of contract claim.

(A) abide by (B) shut down (C) take part in (D) figure out

4. Finance, commerce, inbound tourism, as well as export of other professional services all have _____ performance.

(A) agreeable (B) competitive (C) satisfactory (D) consumable






NO.1056 | 更新時間: 2018/04/21 | 點閱: 1058 | 下載:

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