書香聊天室 2016/01/10




1. 逃避現實 hide one's head in the sand

(或take an ostrich posture ;ostrich 鴕鳥

posture 姿勢)

2. 海底撈月 cry for the moon

3. 先下手為強 gain the upper hand by striking

first (gain the upper hand 佔上風 ;strike


4. 旁觀者清 looker-on see more than player

(looker-on 旁觀者)

5. 打死我也不幹 over my dead body !

6. 水能載舟,亦能覆舟 the wind that blows

out the candle also kindles the flame. (主詞:吹熄蠟燭的風;動詞:點燃;受詞:火

苗;kindle 點燃;flame 火焰)

7. 恩將仇報 bite the hand that fed you

(餵食:feed fed fed)


1. 打死我,我也不幹 ____ my ____ body!

2. 水能載舟,也能覆舟 The wind that ____ ____

the candle also ____ the ____ .

3. 你為何恩將仇報 Why ____ you ____ the hand that ____ you.

4. 不要逃避現實 Don't ____ your ____ in the ____ .

5. 你在妄想吧 I think you are ____ for the ____!

6. 你最好先下手為強 You'd better____ the ____

hand try ____ first!


1. Over ; dead

2. blows out ; kindle; flame

3. did ;bite;fed

4. hid; head;sand

5. crying ; moon

6. gain;upper ;striking

NO.990 | 更新時間: 2016/01/10 | 點閱: 1062 | 下載:

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