學校要聞 2015/10/02

Female Faculty Association Holds Banquet for Fitness

The Female Faculty Association held the "Rockin Fitness" banquet in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall on Sept. 24. In attendance were nearly 100 university professionals including President Flora Chia-I Chang (left), Vice President of Administration, Yi-jen Hu and President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai. The participants enjoyed good company as they dined at the banquet comprising over 60 different delicacies.

During the Meeting, President of the Board of the Female Faculty Association, Shu-feng Hsiao (right), donated a gift basket in thanks to all of the professors and educators for their diligence. President Chang received the basket on behalf of the university while encouraging co-workers during her address, “This banquet is not only to help us improve relations between female employees, but also to emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle.” Afterwards 8 department heads of different departments joined together in song to perform as the group, “8 Part Harmony.” Shu-feng Hsiao stated, “I’m so grateful for this activity. People have worked hard to prepare great food and good exercises to help relieve stress.” (Article: Jin-yu Cai)

NO.975 | 更新時間: 2015/10/02 | 點閱: 951 | 下載:

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