學校要聞 2015/10/02

Supervisory Financial Minister Ming-chung Tseng Speaks on Innovation

【Wan-xuan Qin, Tamsui Campus Report】Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Applications, Kuang-ping Ku, has opened a new course titled, “Practical Financial Market Discussion.” On Sept. 23 Supervisory Financial Minister Ming-chung Tseng was invited to give a lecture on the Promotion of Financial Technological Innovation and there were around 160 people in attendance. Kuang-ping Ku expressed, “Finance is the mother industry. In order to meet with the requests of the Ministry of Education of giving students usable knowledge and planning ability, we’ve contacted financial experts to give lectures and share their experience.”

Minister Ming-chung Tseng first explained that in Taiwan the development of financial products lacked diversity and there wasn’t enough globalized modelling, creating a bottleneck. He then pointed out that the most crucial point of development in every country, especially America, is innovation. He then stated that by raising Taiwan’s level of innovation, it would be transferred into its ability to be competitive with the international world.

NO.975 | 更新時間: 2015/10/02 | 點閱: 967 | 下載:

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