學校要聞 2014/04/25

Three Students From the Department of Business and Management Win First Place in National Finance Analysis Competition

【Reported by Ying-zhen Lu, Tamkang Times】The National Formosa University hosted the “2014 National Finance and Economic Analysis Competition.” Tamkang University was represented in the competition by a team that emphasized and pointed out the poor American policies on currency and the effect it has globally. Competing on this TKU team was fourth-year student from the Department of Finance, Kai-wen Zheng, fourth year student from the Department of International Business Management, Shan-ru Lin, and alumni from the Department of International Business Management, Bei-wen Zhou. They competed against 21 different teams from universities such as National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Cheng Kung University. They took first place in the Junior College competition and will be rewarded 30,000 NT at the award ceremony taking place on April 28th.

Dean of the College of Business and Management, Chien-liang Chiu, complemented their performance and stated, “In order to promote more versatile development we decided to compete and become involved in competitions outside of the university. These types of events that challenge the students outside of the area of their subjects will help them develop immensely.” Bei-wen Zhou stated, “It’s really hard to believe that we won. I’m so excited and grateful to our professors for their support and guidance.”

NO.928 | 更新時間: 2014/04/25 | 點閱: 1149 | 下載:

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