瀛苑副刊 2008/04/07



一、 題目(重點文法綜合練習)

1. 我在淡水住了快9年了,之前在台中先住了十年,然後搬到桃園,在桃園也住了五年。

(1)I (live) in Tamsui for nearly 9 years.

(2)I (live) in Taichung for 10 years then I(move) to Taoyuan(此處須加一個字) I(live) for 5 years.

2. 三十年前,當我還是個小孩子的時候,我常幻想,長大了要當老師。現在我已經教了將近40年的書了,深刻體驗到教書的喜怒哀樂,這將是我生命中最難忘的回憶。

Thirty years ago when I (1)(am)a child, I often (2)(dream) that I (3)(will be) a teacher when I (4)(grow up). Now that I (5)(teach)for nearly 40 years, I (6)(deeply experience)the (7)(喜怒哀樂) of (8)(be) a teacher, (9)(此處需用一個字) (10)(be) the most

unforgettable memory in my life.

3. 昨天他問我,你去哪裡了?我不知道你在何處,我就說你可能在寢室睡覺。

Yesterday he asked me (1)(where did you go). (2)(didn’t know) (3)(where are you), I said you (4)(probably sleep) in the dorm.

4. 昨天當我聽到這個消息時,就很遺憾我沒趕上這個機會,如果你早一點通知我


Yesterday when I (1)(hear) the news, I (2)(feel) sorry that I (3)(miss)this opportunity. The situation (4)(will be) different if you (5)(told me) earlier.

5. 三個姊夫、兩個嫂嫂


6. 人是萬物之靈

7. 法網恢恢,疏而不漏

8. 滿招損,謙受益

9. 鮮花插在牛糞上

10. 一時衝動

二、 答案

1. (1)have lived(從過去到現在,用現在完成)

(2)had lived(從過去到過去,用過去完成)



had lived(從過去到過去,用過去完成)

2. (1)was (2)dreamed

(3)would be(will改成would)

(4)grew up

(5)have taught(從40年前到現在,用現在完成)

(6)have deeply experienced(這個經驗是從40年前到現在,用現在完成)

(7)laughter and tears


(10)will be(純粹表述未來的情況)

3. (1)where you went(這不是真正的問句,而是間接問句,主詞加動詞採用肯定句順序)(2)Not knowing(一句開頭就直接用ing,表示形容後面一整句。

但是前後的主詞須完全相同)(3)where you were(間接問句)(4)were probably sleeping(過去式,而且正在睡覺,所以是過去進行式)

4. (1)heard (2)felt (3)missed (4)would have been(這一句屬於過去的假設)(5)had told me(這一句屬於過去的假設)


If I 過去完成 + I would have+p.p.

5. three brothers-in-law; two sisters-in-law


6. Man is the measure of all things.


7. Justice has a long arm.


8. to lose by conceitedness, but to gain by modesty.

9. like ”Beauty and the Beast”

10. out of a sudden urge

NO.710 | 更新時間: 2011/07/21 | 點閱: 1320 | 下載:

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