3日,澳洲會計師認證顧問Mr. Ron Woolley與資深發展經理Max Shao來校實地訪查,了解會計系認證課程轉換推行至今在校實施情況。(攝影/朱樂然)
On Nov. 3 Accounting Certification Consultant, Ron Woolley and Resource Development Manager, Max Shao came to TKU to get a better understanding of the curriculum and to see the current situation of the university. (Photographed by Le-ran Zhu)
- 寬度: 4608 px
- 高度: 3072 px
- 大小: 5.98 MB
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- 分類:教學 / 淡水校園 / 訪客 / 行政 / 教職員工 / 來訪
- Model:E-M10
- DateTime:2015:11:03 11:52:05
- ExposureTime:1/80 sec
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