“They Love Big Flowers,” an oil painting by artist Liu Hsien-chung, was exhibited in “Taipei Modern Art Exhibition,” Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center. The bright flowers reflecting on the sunglasses of young girls reveal the humor of post-POP art.
- 寬度: 300 px
- 高度: 259 px
- 大小: 71.01 KB
- 瀏覽: 1841 次
- 下載: 0 次
- 申請: 0 次
- Make:NIKON
- Model:E3100
- DateTime:2010:03:15 10:53:24
- ExposureTime:10/835 sec
- FNumber:F/2.8
- ISOSpeedRatings:ISO-100
- ExposureBiasValue:0 eV
- Flash:Flash did not fire, auto mode
- FocalLength:5.8 mm
- WhiteBalance:Auto white balance