點燈祈福 張校長:橘子.柿子.韭菜.魚
Illumination Meets Appreciation Event Brings Wishes of the New Year

(攝影/賴意婕、李亞庭;影像合成/張瑟玉) No.915


Office of Student Affairs held the “Illumination Meets Appreciation” event. President Chia-I Chang (seventh on the right) Vice President of Administration, Po-yuan Kao (fourth on the right), Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai (third on the left) and the directors of academics and administration appreciate the lights with almost 200 students and teachers. (Photographed by Yi-jie Lai, Ya-ting Li and Se-yu Zhang)

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  • 分類:淡水校園 / 教職員工