The Women's Faculty and Staff Association invited international students to participate in a fashion show, where they confidently showcased the exquisite clothing they wore.
- 寬度: 6168 px
- 高度: 4112 px
- 大小: 4.88 MB
- 瀏覽: 78 次
- 下載: 0 次
- 申請: 0 次
- 分類:學生 / 訪客 / 校友 / 淡水校園 / 教職員工
- Make:Canon
- Model:Canon EOS 90D
- DateTime:2024:12:16 14:23:23
- ExposureTime:1/80 sec
- FNumber:F/6.3
- ISOSpeedRatings:ISO-4000
- ShutterSpeedValue:1/83.29
- ApertureValue:F/6.45
- ExposureBiasValue:0 eV
- Flash:Flash did not fire
- FocalLength:18 mm
- WhiteBalance:Auto white balance