The Mackay Banquet dishes are incredibly distinctive, attracting the attention of Academic Vice President Hui-Huang Hsu, who picked up his phone to take photos.
- 寬度: 4560 px
- 高度: 3357 px
- 大小: 1.15 MB
- 瀏覽: 262 次
- 下載: 0 次
- 申請: 0 次
- Make:Canon
- Model:Canon EOS RP
- DateTime:2024:03:21 22:24:00
- ExposureTime:1/125 sec
- FNumber:F/7.1
- ISOSpeedRatings:ISO-3200
- ShutterSpeedValue:1/128
- ApertureValue:F/7.01
- ExposureBiasValue:0 eV
- Flash:Flash did not fire
- FocalLength:57 mm
- WhiteBalance:Auto white balance