物理年會 陳玟君 謝宗哲獲壁報佳作獎
Annual Meeting of the Physics Society of Taiwan: Wen-Chun Chen, Zong-Jhe Hsieh Awarded Best Poster Paper

提供 No.1178

物理年會 陳玟君 謝宗哲獲壁報佳作獎
Annual Meeting of the Physics Society of Taiwan: Wen-Chun Chen, Zong-Jhe Hsieh Awarded Best Poster Paper

提供 No.1178


Physics Department's Wen-Chun Chen (third from the left) and Zong-Jhe Hsieh (fourth from the left) received the Best Poster Paper Award at the Taiwan Physics Society. Dr. Ying-Jer Kao, President of the Physics Society of Taiwan and a professor in the physics department at National Taiwan University (fifth from the left), presented the awards.

  • 寬度: 1788 px
  • 高度: 1229 px
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  • 分類:淡水校園 / 學生 / 得獎
  • DateTime:2024:03:01 10:10:53